Friday, 11 September 2015

Introduction to Media AS

This Blog is going to showcase the research, production and shooting of a film opening for the OCR AS Media studies course.

I have chosen to use the platform of Blogger to record all the steps taken in the making of a film opening because I have had previous experience with this site before and I believe that it is extremely easy to navigate.

The brief we have been provided is to develop the opening sequence in our assigned group for a two minute film. For this task we will all bve assigned different job roles to show how we have been able to develop and enhance our Media skills. I think that this task will allow me to develop my own creativity.

I think that I will be able to use all of the techniques I have learnt to be able to think about how to engage a potential target audience and to see how the conventions of a specific genre can be used to develop a narrative.

I would like to develop a Thriller film for this task but this will have to match the ideas and thoughts of my group.

In my group there are four people

- William Savill (me)
- James Silk-tyler
- Maisie Threadgold-Smith
- Seun Odubade.

I have excited to work with these individuals and I think that we will be able to use our time effectively to produce a good narrative for our audience.

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