Thursday, 17 September 2015

Classifications of film analysis

For a film to be awarded a rating of PG, it can feature violent and intense scenes however they cannot be accompanied by gore. There can also be mild use of light profanity.

For a film to be awarded a rating of 12, it can feature violent and intense scenes that can contain more gore than a PG film can. This age rating also allows for some sexual references and a mild use of profanity.

For a film to be awarded a rating of 15, it can feature hard violence and intense scenes accompanied by gore. This age rating allows for a strong use of profanity and some mild sexual scenes.

For a film to be awarded a rating of 18, it can feature extreme violence and intense scenes with a lot of gore. This age rating also allows for an extreme use of profanity and sexual scenes.

I believe that the age rating best suited for our production is a 12. This is because we don't feel we need all the things that are available at a higher age rating to make a quality production. Also, movies with this age rating (i.e. The Sixth Sense) tend to do better at the box office and become more successful than films with a higher or lower age rating. This could be due to the fact that it is available to more people than higher ratings.

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