Genre is a way of categorising a piece of media. It is used to categorise books, movies, television shows, music or any other piece of entertainment media. An example of this is defining something funny as a comedy because it is designed to be funny and make its audience laugh.
Genre can also become more complicated with the introduction of sub-genres and hybrid genres. Examples of sub-genres are: Space opera is a sub genre of Sci-Fi, Slasher is a sub-genre of a horror movie. Hybrid genres are also complicated. Barry Keith Grant talked about hybrid genres in his books. These are the combination of two or more genres that work together, some examples of these are: Romcoms, a cross between romantic genre and comedies, usually involving two lovers who struggle to upkeep a relationship in some way, with the male being funny and the female admiring him- usually both getting into strange scenarios that are meant to be humorous to the audience.
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