Friday, 15 April 2016


This has been the journey of the creation of a film opening. I have learned many new skills from this experience and believe that we were successful in researching, planning, developing and filming our product because we were able to work as a team and share our ideas to help improve the film.

The final product is very different from the opening we developed in the storyboarding stages however I feel that this was inevitable and is a part of the film making process.

Overall I have enjoyed working with my team on this project and I'm happy with the result of the final product. :)

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Evaluation question 6

Evaluation question 5

Evaluation question 4

 We decided that the audience for a thriller film was between the ages of 12-60 and that a larger majority of the audience was male. However a majority of the ages came from 15-21 so to meet the largest part of our demographic we decided that the characters should be near that age range to appeal to that large segment in the audience. Classifying it as a 12 is so that anybody in our target audience has the ability to watch our product.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Production Diary: The best parts

We chose the best parts from our other drafts and we will edit them into our final product. Here are some examples:

Monday, 28 March 2016

Second edit of film review

The main points that have been flagged up are the green screen which we have decided to remove. Another thing is that there should be contrast between the shots so we are going to include some of the shots from inside the building from our first test footage.

Friday, 25 March 2016

Production Diary: Green screen

Today we began to edit everything we had filmed on the green screen and discovered a problem. We used a still image as the background and discovered that it looks unrealistic. This is because the person in front of the camera would be moving as they talk causing lighting changes on their face and because the image is still (the lighting doesn't change) it makes the background look two dimensional.

Production Diary: Car Scenes

Today we filmed the shots in the car. We had a problem with people who were in the background of our film because we had to wait for them to move out of shot before we could film again. This is because we felt that seeing other people in the background would be distracting in the final film. In the end we completed these shots and this marks the final day of shooting on our film.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Production Diary: Server room

Today we filmed the scenes in a server room. This was hard because we had to get permission to shot in there and we had to shoot all the scenes within 15 minutes because that was as long as we were allowed. Fortunately we felt we had a large variety of shots to be used during the editing process.

Monday, 21 March 2016

Production Diary: Reshoots

We have discovered by reviewing the second draft that we need more shots to add more to the narrative and to use a wider range of editing techniques so we are planning on shooting more scenes for these reasons.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Production Diary: Inspiration from Film Noir

We started filming the opening of our film today. We shot with the green screen to get our police interrogation shots. We have been using some of the conventions we have found from the analysis of film noir to make our product feel more like a thriller.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Analysis of film noir

To help us improve upon our first draft, I will analyse film noir to find the techniques used to create the genre and how it turned into the modern thriller.

As you can see from this mood board of images from film noir including posters, lighting was a key feature to establish who characters are and their intentions. Film noir would often only use gender as a tool of sexuality because the female would be portrayed in a sexual manner on the posters. This is something we will not use in our film. However because of the technology at the time, films were shot in black and white meaning lighting and shadows helped massively when trying to create a scene. This is something we wish to utilise because we will have black and white scenes in our film.

Monday, 29 February 2016

First test footage third party review

We have received much feedback from our first draft. Here are the biggest criticisms:

Friday, 26 February 2016

First draft review

This is the first draft of our film. We have received much feedback from it and know what we want to do to improve.

My initial review is that it follows the storyboard to much making it feel too short and it feels like it is jumping around which can make it confusing. Also I feel that the music is to loud and heavy to fit a thriller however I feel that keeping it greyscale helps to create tension and helps suggest that this is a flashback.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Production Diary: First shoot

Today we start the filming process of our film. We will be using our storyboard and script to help us create our first draft. We will be shooting in a car park and building for the shots we want.

Update: We have now finished our first day of shooting and we feel that we have enough shots to make our first draft however we will see when we edit this together.

Friday, 15 January 2016

Risk assessment

Potential Hazard
Who’s At Risk?
Existing Control Measures
Risk Rating
Preventative Measures
Trip Over Tree Stumps
Runner And Camera
Be Careful
Plan Route
Identify Trip Hazards
Bright Lights
Light Shades
Turn Down Lights
Face Away From Actors
Place In Different Angles
Make Sure Lighting Is Not Too Bright
Window- Falling
Crash Mat
Hold Person
Use A Dummy To Ensure Safety
Running Up/Down Stairs
Be Careful
Run Slowly
Clear Stairs Of External People
Climbing Fences
Crash Mats
People Spotting
Secure  Fence And Again Use Crash Mats
Running In The Dark
All Involved
Street Lights
Check Routes
Use Lights
Run Slowly
Sensible Footwear And Lights
Wet Weather
All Involved
Check Weather Apps
Don’t Run
Bring Umbrella
Wear Sensible Shoes
Unknown Individuals
All Involved
Be Careful Of Passers By
Check Areas For External People
We carried out a risk assessment for every area that we feel poses a possible hazard to any individual involved in the filming of our opening. We considered the correct actions to take to prevent the hazard from happening and we gave each a risk rating. Anything over a 5 will be closely monitored and we will put specific measures in place to ensure our safety.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Storyboard Shots 25-30


Storyboard Shots 19-24


Storyboard Shots 13-18


Storyboard Shots 7-12

These next shots show somebody getting into a building, here is where the music would start to pick up to accompany the increase in danger to the character.IMG_5578

Storyboard Shots 1-6

The story board is the first visualization of our ideas for our film opening. These are our first shots which showcase somebody running through a forest. The only sounds will be diegetic such as footsteps and breathing.
